Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just a Little Note & Drawing Requests

Hey, Everybody! 

First of all, I just wanted to let y'all know that while I finally know what I'll be drawing next, it may be a couple of weeks before I'm able to post it.  I still have a project that I'm trying to finish up, and while I've been trying to work on it diligently, it's been pretty slow going.  I blame my lack of skill and motivation in drawing backgrounds with perspective.  Well that, and the fact that I work full-time with a fluctuating schedule.

Second, I just want to mention something about drawing requests.

I will take them, so if you'd like to ask me for one, feel free :)  There's a catch though (oh, but of course there is...).

While I'll try really hard to get around to all of them, the truth is...I might not.  The drawings I do for the sketch blog are something I do for fun (and for free)!  And so, if I don't have the time or the motivation, it just might not happen.  Commissioned work is an entirely different animal though--paid work always takes priority because it's a job.  Pretty self-explanatory, no?

Also, if you have a specific request, it's not guaranteed that I'll draw exactly what you asked for.  Again, I'll try really hard to fulfill all requests, but if inspiration strikes in a different direction, I'm going to chase it.  This is in regards to both the concept of the drawing, as well as the style/medium.

I should also note that I might not necessarily draw the requests in the order of who made the requests when.  I'll try to stick to this as much as possible, but exceptions may abound!

And last, but certainly not least, the drawings are in no way an indicator of who I like or how much I like them :D  Seriously, just because one person's drawing is in color and another one isn't, or just because one drawing is more "sketchy" compared to another that appears more polished etc. isn't at all a reflection of how I feel about you guys!  If anything it's simply a reflection of my level of inspiration/motivation, my state of mind, or just which tools I had handy at the moment that I started drawing, haha.  Besides, I like you all anyway! 

...Except you there.  Yeah, you ;P

Questions?  Comments?  Feel free to leave 'em here on the blog!

That's all for now.  Until next time!

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