Monday, April 4, 2011

Cosplay, Part 2!

Okay, it's been decided!  I will indeed be cosplaying at Anime Central 2011 :)

...But I'm going to be a jerk-face and not reveal who as until later.  Bwah ha ha!

I was at my friend's place last night trying to hammer out details for ACen (by the way, you obviously know who you are, but I'm leaving you somewhat anonymous in case you don't want me telling the whole world your dirty, dirty secret :P).  Actually, it was more like we were trying to come to a decision on two details specifically: 1.) Hotel Accommodations, and 2.) Cosplay.

As far as Hotel Accommodations go, it's too late for us to book a room at a nearby hotel so we'll just be commuting back and forth from home everyday.  Certainly not as convenient (having a hotel room at the convention really does make a significant difference), but that's okay.

Now, in regards to cosplay, we weren't sure what we were going to do because neither of us have watched anime in a while and therefore didn't have any new characters in mind. We don't want to re-wear the costumes we already had, but we also have time working against us.  To get us started I brainstormed a list of ideas, but we ultimately chose 2 costumes that weren't on the list to begin with, haha.  To be honest, the character I chose was actually someone I didn't really want to cosplay as, at least, at an anime convention, because there's is nothing remotely Japanese about her--She's an iconic character from an American game franchise (hint hint).  In the end though, the relative simplicity of the costume was the clincher. 

Well that, and the fact that my friend would be cosplaying as a somewhat complementary character :P

I'll need to start hunting for components and a pattern or two for this one.  The costume is "simple" in that there are only a few key pieces that you need, but whether or not you can find those key pieces...well that's a whole other animal.  Wish me luck!

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