Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello Hello!

I know I don't post on here all THAT often (especially in comparison to lots of other artists out there), but I'm fairly pleased with how much I've been able to keep up with it thus far.  I only wish I had more to post (and more often). Despite this being a new post, however, I have nothing to show for it.  No drawing, no photo,  no new image of any kind.  I don't have any poems for you guys either.  But I'm not a poet, so I don't really feel bad about that last bit.

That's not to say that I'm not working on any projects though.  If anything, I have too much to work on between now and the end of May.  Comics, drawings, my costume...  I've started making a "practice" version of my jacket though, and it's comic along decently.  I mean, there are mistakes here and there, but that's what a practice version is for, no?  It's eating up a lot of time, but I have no regrets!  I'm learning a lot from it,  including the fact that I can go at least 1 size smaller on the pattern than I thought I'd need to.  Niiice :)    

So if I don't have any new arty stuff to upload why am I blogging?  I honestly have no idea.  Well no, that's not true; I know why.  I have a couple of things on my mind and I'm just having trouble sleeping.  I'm hoping that continuous rapping on the keyboard will help lure the sandman, so I'm just sort of spewing whatever thoughts come to mind (even when it's completely lacking relevance to art).

If anything I suppose that means I should get a "regular blog" back up and running again.  I used to blog quite a bit, and I do miss it.  I like writing anyway, but I found it quite therapeutic as it allowed me to organize my thoughts and manifest them.  It'd mostly be for me, but I do have to wonder whether anyone would actually want to read my inane ramblings.  Haha. 

Well, I'm still not feeling sleepy, but I might as well give it another go.  Stay classy!

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