Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adventure Time (With Hungry Hungry Hobos)!

Meet Patrick and Sydney, two more of my fabulous co-workers (collectively known as the foosball team, Hungry Hungry Hobos). 

A few weeks ago I was feeling incredibly agitated and posted to my facebook page with this update:

"Must...restrain self...from posting...frustrated...status update!"

Afterward I felt bad about having posted a frustrated status update despite not wanting to post a frustrated status update (I can't stand when people constantly post nothing but angst), so I promised that my next update would be much happier.  It went a little something like this: 

"Puppies, rainbows, unicorns, daisies and sweet, sweet candy!"

I guess that tidbit of happy thoughts must have been infectious because Sydney requested that I draw it :P  And so here we are!  I wound up drawing inspiration from Pendleton Ward's cartoon, Adventure Time, because of some of the similar content in my update (Jake = puppy, Lady Rainicorn = unicorn and rainbow hybrid).  Hope you guys think it's totally algebraic!  :D

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