Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm a Ninja Kitten

Next weekend I'll be skating in my first ever roller derby bout (and I'll be working on a new art project in order to prep for it)!  As opposed to a regular "season" bout, it's a mixer where a number of derby leagues are sending up 4 of their players to compete in shuffled teams.  There will be 2 bouts and therefore 4 teams total: 2 A-level teams consisting of more experienced players (The Alley Cats vs. The Junkyard Dogs) and 2 B-teams for beginners like me (Ninja Kittens vs. Pirate Puppies).

I was assigned to the Ninja Kittens team, and I'm kind of excited about it.  I mean, I might be more partial to dogs than cats, but I do loves my ninjas!  And that's where my new project comes in.  Each skater is responsible for providing her own costume or jersey, so as a cosplayer, how can I not try to put together a ninja costume? 

I only have a week (with no days off from work in between), so I'm going to stick with a fairly simple design.  The team color for the Ninja Kittens is black (naturally), so the costume will be a short, black, sleeveless kosode.  It will more or less look similar to the shinigami shihakusho that Nemu from BLEACH wears with some differences.  I'm not going to bother making the white layer under the black kosode, and instead of having a wide obi (belt) like Nemu, it'll be a thinner, red one vaguely similar to what you see on various martial arts uniforms.  The kosode will also be a little longer in length than Nemu's so I don't accidentally put on a show for everyone if you catch my drift.  This will also be why I'll have a pair of shorts on underneath, haha.  For the sake of comfort and ease of movement it will be made from interlock jersey fabric.  When I put the entire costume together, it will also include the fishnet body suit that I used for my Mitarashi Anko costume (Naruto).  I figure that will add a nice finishing touch.  I'd include a headband as well only there's no point in making one since I'll be wearing a helmet.

I'm sorry to say that I don't have any images to post for you guys just yet.  As soon as I have some, I'll  be sure to post them here!

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