Sunday, June 19, 2011

Magic Sparkley Cheeseburger

I haven't posted anything new here in about a month, and I feel like that's way too long.  The only thing is, I don't really have anything to post just yet.  See, many of you guys know that I've been working on a side project for quite some time (much longer than I had any intention of letting it drag on apologies to the appropriate party...).  Since I'm determined to have this project completed in its entirety by the end of July, I have been forgoing most other attempts at artsy-ness, including the occasional, fun doodle.  But you know what they say...

...All work and no play makes [Saemi] a dull [girl].

Or, if you'd prefer the Simpsons take...

Saemi:  ...All work and no play make [Saemi] something something...
Marge:  Go crazy?
Saemi:  Don't mind if I do!  *crazy mouth noises*

Truth be told, it's just a (very) rough sketch that I took from one of the panels I was drawing for the project.  I did tweak it to look different than than the actual drawing though, since the project is yet unfinished, unpublished, and it's not my intellectual property (I'm just the brawns to someone else's brains).  Basically, I just changed some of the facial features and added the Cheeseburger of Sparkliness.

 (Click for larger view)

I also misspelled the word, "Sparkly" apparently.  Ah crap.  I knew that, I swear!  Well, I'll just argue that that's how it's spelled in the mystical world of glittery foodstuffs. 

Hope you were as amused as you were befuddled by this nonsense!  I'm off to fetch a glass of iridescent juice.

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